the rebirth of fine print journaling

Hi friends! Thanks for coming back over. Fine Print Journaling took a hiatus as we, Cindy and Rachel, explored why we want this platform, what purpose we hope to serve, and whether we were being true to ourselves and as authentic as possible.

Life also happened, with job changes, moving, publishing guided journals, and the boring but consuming tasks like grocery shopping and yaylaundry. Putting the yay in front makes it sound more fun, right? Little psychological trick for ya 🙂

So here we are, redesigned, realigned, and ready to relaunch fpj with a broader scope and intention.

Moving forward, what you’ll find is content centered on introspection though journaling (obvi), overcoming obstacles, intuition, reading, nature, and the seemingly omnipresent #selfcare. As cliché as it’s becoming, we believe it’s more important than ever.

We hope you come feeling good and leave feeling even better.

Thanks for hanging out with us 🙂

Cindy and Rachel
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