quote journal

I put quotes and sayings everywhere. Ev-er-y-where. Maybe it comes from being a lifelong reader, or maybe it’s just who I am, but either way, being surrounded by words makes me incredibly comfortable. Because of this, starting a quote journal was one of the most natural things for me to do.
A quote journal is exactly as it sounds. It’s a place to keep sayings, phrases, and quotes that move you. I basically treat mine as an end all place for the quotes I keep elsewhere, like my phone, Pinterest, and the books I read. I use these things as tools and resources to keep track of what I want to put in my journal.

The biggest tool I use is my phone. I use both the Notes app and the camera to document the quotes I love. Later, I transfer them into my journal. I don’t use it, but you can also use a voice recorder app to keep track of any quotes you come across.

I will also put little post-its in the margin of a book that I’m reading when I come across a particularly striking quote. Every few months, I’ll go through and add the ones that still resonate with me to my journal.
Pinterest is another great resource for keeping track of words. In fact, it’s kind of become a second journal for me. I have a whole board just for quotes, and when I need to feel inspired, or motivated, or validated, I scroll through that board and feel rejuvenated. The quotes that really stay with me get jotted down in my journal as well.

I use my journal mostly as resource for myself. I sometimes use the quotes in there as a prompt for a regular journal entry. I’ll document my response and explain to myself why these words in particular are striking to me. I’ll pick my favorites and put them on my fridge for awhile, or on my bathroom mirror, or on the inside of my door so I see them as I leave everyday.
Overall, my quote journal is an excellent source for me to use when I need extra inspiration or little reminders about what motivates me. I love it and would recommend anyone starting one!
Do you keep a quote journal? How do you use it?