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4 Ways to Stay Grounded

Hey there 🙂 How are you coping with our new normal? I hope you’re doing really well, and if so, this post …

Gentle Reminder

Gentle Reminder

Hi friends!  With COVID-19 affecting so many facets of our lives (at least in San Diego), I am finding the need to …

The Beauty of the to-doNE List

The Beauty of the to-doNE List

Hey there! Life is a little different these days, isn’t it?!? So many people working from home, furloughed, or laid off. So …

The Importance of Memories

the importance of memories

Our memories define us. They are, truly, what make us who we are. The present is so fleeting that without our memories …

5 ways reading fosters introspection

So, as you’d probably expect, I’m a pretty big reader. Novels, biographies, beach reads, poetry, how-tos, and self improvement books line my …

introspection: answer the why

Introspection is a word we hear tossed around pretty often. Through the gift that is social media, and through our love for …

quote journal

  I put quotes and sayings everywhere. Ev-er-y-where. Maybe it comes from being a lifelong reader, or maybe it’s just who I …

guest post: party planning journal

We invited our friend Cheryl (IG: @craftywelderchick) to share her unique and genius method for party planning with you! Enjoy! xxoo C&R …